Taking stock

The term "retirement" makes it hard to see the wood for the trees. The words income, health, spouse, carte vitale (state health insurance card), mutuelle (supplementary health insurance), early demise, family, expatriation, return to work, dependency, tax... are all associated with it.

Retirement needs to be managed and thought through. The constraints of everyday life do not always give you time to reflect. So let’s take stock of your future together, and achieve your ultimate professional and personal success

We have more than 40 years’ expertise in the field of retirement, and we can help you in all these areas on request, so that together we can draw up one or more strategies to support your future. We will answer all your questions.

The purpose of our work is not to sell financial products – that is another business. Our goal is to give you the benefit of our experience and explain to you what you need to do, and above all what you do not need to do, so that you can enjoy a well-prepared and well-deserved retirement with peace of mind.

I would like to express my sincere respect and personal gratitude to Philippe Sauvant and his company. His professionalism, the quality of his judgement and the advice he gave me helped me decisively.

I would also like to pay tribute to his great human quality, which is hard to come by today, in a society where this simple value is becoming increasingly rare. I thank him again and have been honoured to meet him in my life.

Michel Klochendler, Paris le 3 avril 2024